TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint & TMJ Treatment
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction or tmj pain and jaw pain is present in about 12% of people in the US at any one time. It can be mild to severe pain and restriction of the jaws movement, making it difficult to chew and may result in ear pain and headaches.
4 times more common in women than men.
Common Symptoms:
Neck pain
Jaw pain
Jaw popping
Difficulty chewing
Joint locking
Muscle spasms
How do you get TMJ dysfunction or pain?
It can be brought on by clinching or grinding of the teeth due to stress, trauma to the jaw or upper neck misalignment. Upper neck misalignment? Yes, your first vertebra of your neck can be so far misaligned that it pushes the soft tissues surrounding the joint into the area of the temporomandibular joint. This puts pressure on the temporomandibular joint causing it to change the function of the joint and surroundings muscles. When this happens the muscles can become very tight and painful and the joint functions abnormally creating clicking or popping, which if left untreated long enough can result in a disc problem with even more severe jaw pain and tmj pain.
How can we help you?
We will take a thorough history, perform an examination and; if necessary, diagnostic imaging to complement a proper diagnosis
We will check the mobility of your joints in the area of concern for proper function
We will check for any soft tissue or muscular adhesions that may also be a contributing factor
We will then discuss the possible tmj treatment options if you are a candidate for chiropractic care
The only way to know if you are a candidate for chiropractic care is to give us a call and schedule your consultation!