Headaches & Migraines
Headaches & migraines are a very common complaint with 18%-23% of Americans experiencing them each year. There are many different types of headaches that we are very experienced in treating. Chiropractor, Dr. Curtis Reinkemeyer has helped many patients in Lee's Summit, with many different types of headaches get relief through his specific headache & migraine treatments. Let’s see what type of headache you may be experiencing.
Headaches are not normal, they are usually just a symptom of some other cause.
Common Symptoms:
Pain at the base of the head or neck that radiates into the forehead, usually one-sided
Sinus pressure
Eye pain
Temple pain
Blurred vision or light sensitivity
Tight band-like pain or pressure that wrap’s around the head
Cervicogenic Headache
These headaches & migraines are characterized by head pain that originates in the neck and base of the head that is aggravated by certain neck movements or prolonged postures and may radiate into the forehead, eyes, temples or ears.
These types of headaches & migraines respond very well to chiropractic treatment with most fully resolving.
Cluster Headache
These headaches & migraines are characterized by recurrent brief attacks of sudden, severe, one-sided eye and forehead pain over a period of 4-8 weeks. They can be episodic; where they occur in clusters of 7 days to a year separated by pain-free intervals of a few weeks. They can be chronic; where they occur more than a year with very minimal pain-free intervals. Pain associated with these headaches & migraines are often described as excruciating, piercing, boring, deep or penetrating and rarely throbbing.
These types of headaches & migraines respond well to chiropractic treatment in the episodic state.
Migraine Headache
These headaches & migraines are characterized by recurring head pain due to changes in the brain and surrounding vasculature. Migraines are classified into two categories: migraine with aura and migraine without aura. Migraines with aura are considered a classic migraine and account for approximately 20% of migraines. With aura associated migraines you may experience sensitivity to light and loud noises. Migraines without aura are considered a common migraine and account for approximately 80% of migraines. Pain associated with these headaches & migraines are often described as moderate to severe throbbing or pulsing, usually one-sided and localized in the forehead/temple area and eye area. They tend to build up over a 1-2 hour period, then progress to the back of the head and become more diffuse. Some people may also have nausea and vomiting with their migraine.
Most people with migraines say they experience them with certain triggers or certain foods. Some triggers may include:
heavy sugar intake
tyramine rich foods: red wine, cheese, nuts, chocolate
histamine (citrus juice), coffee, tea, alcohol, niacin
processed foods, preservatives, MSG (monosodium glutamate)
These types of headaches & migraines respond well to chiropractic treatment with a 72% effective rate.
Tension Headache
These headaches & migraines are characterized by an intermittent band of pain around the head. This area of the band may feel like your head is being squeezed with a lot of pressure. They can be episodic; where they are less than 15 headache days per month lasting 30 minutes to 7 days. They can be chronic; where they are more than 15 headache days per month lasting more than 6 months. Pain associated with these headaches are often described as evenly distributed around the head with tightness/squeezing or pressure and usually dull.
These types of headaches & migraines respond very well to chiropractic treatment and specific soft tissue stretching.
Pressure Headaches
These headaches & migraines are characterized by rapid changes in weather or flying creating a feeling of pressure in the head and sinuses. The pressure outside becomes greater than the internal pressure of the head or vice versa. When this happens the cranial bones of your skull are designed to move slightly, but if these cranial bones are not moving properly they can result in pressure headaches & migraines. Your skull is designed to expand and contract slightly to adapt to pressure changes and the cranial joints can become restricted. Pain associated with these headaches are pressure and dull with rapid changes in weather or flying.
These types of headaches respond well to chiropractic treatment.
How can we help you?
We will take a thorough history, perform an examination and; if necessary, diagnostic imaging to complement a proper diagnosis
We will check the mobility of your joints in the area of concern for proper function
We will check for any soft tissue or muscular adhesions that may also be a contributing factor
We will then discuss the specific headache & migraine treatment options if you are a candidate for chiropractic care
We will suggest nutritional supplements for your specific type of headaches & migraines
The only way to know if you are a candidate for chiropractic care is to give us a call and schedule your consultation!