Forward Head Syndrome
More and more people are experiencing forward head syndrome; ‘text or tech neck’, in America and even around the world due to technological advancements. It’s not just something adults experience but children and adolescents are a part of this growing problem. This can become detrimental to your overall health and the longevity of your spine because of how progressive degenerative changes occur. The reason degeneration is so rapid with forward head syndrome is the amount of force distributed through the ligaments, muscles, disc and joints of the cervical and upper thoracic spine. This gravitational force on the neck and upper back increases the further forward your head becomes. Once the head has progressed far enough forward and the structure of the spine has changed; exercising, strengthening or stretching will have minimal affect with relief of symptoms. This will require spinal correction to restore the proper curvature of the spine which is what Dr. Curtis Reinkemeyer has helped many patients in Lees Summit regain. He has become an expert treating forward head syndrome with spinal correction, and rehabilitation to maintain those results. Let’s see just how bad your forward head syndrome may be.
How far forward is your head? It may be causing you big problems.
Common Symptoms:
Pain or pressure at the base of the head
Tension headaches or migraines
Dizziness & vertigo
Neck pain
Acid reflux
TMJ pain
Breathing issues
Upper back pain
‘Hunchback’ posture
Radiating pain, numbness or tingling into the arms or hands
Shoulder and rotator cuff problems
How do you get forward head syndrome?
Forward head syndrome; ‘text or tech neck’, comes from the prolonged postural position of looking down and hunching over; desk job, computer or IT personnel, gamers, texters, web surfers, etc. Your body adapts to it’s environment and when this becomes a common postural position your body will change and remold to adapt. The brain recognizes this posture as your new normal and starts to remold the spinal structure and all supporting ligaments, muscles, disc and joints. When this posture becomes habitual for an extended period of time then symptoms and degenerative changes start to take place. Once degeneration starts to happen it will continue and at a more rapid pace until the spine is corrected and proper posture is reestablished. You can also acquire this from an injury, typically whiplash. Whiplash will cause your neck to ‘whip’ and get structurally stuck in forward head posture until it is corrected.
How can we help you?
We will take a thorough history, perform an examination and; if necessary, diagnostic imaging to complement a proper diagnosis
We will check the mobility of your joints in the area of concern for proper function
We will check for any soft tissue or muscular adhesions that may also be a contributing factor
We will then discuss the possible treatment options if you are a candidate for chiropractic care
We will provide you with home recommendations to maintain your spinal correction
The only way to know if you are a candidate for chiropractic care is to give us a call and schedule your consultation!